Limits on unsubscribe + like (For manual setting)

  • First 3 days 100 unsubscribes (+like)
  • From 4-5 days to 200 unsubscribes (+ like)
  • From 6-7 days to 300 unsubscribes (+like)
  • From 8-9 days to 400 unsubscribes (+ like)
  • Further, a maximum of 500 unsubscribes (+like)


1. After the completion of the task and before the next start, a pause of at least 24 hours must be maintained

2. You can't run "Subscribe" and "Unsubscribe" on the same day

3. During the running task, we do not recommend logging into the promoted Instagram account

4. These limits are relevant if you use the Manual setting (Not recommended) button. In other cases, the software automatically takes the safe limits into account and sets the maximum number of actions allowed within a task, so we do not recommend using the Manual setting (Not recommended) button

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