Algorithms in Instagram: some secrets

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Algorithms in Instagram are something unknown and scary for many active users. Especially it concerns the owners of commercial accounts. For some time we could only guess about the work of the algorithms, based on the analysis of certain actions.

But not so long ago the official Instagram blog shared some information and answered the most actual and popular questions of users. Some questions found answers, and some of them just vanished.

Frequency of the algorithm of ranking the posts in the ribbon

This question was very interesting for users. Since the algorithms are based on artificial intelligence, they are regularly updated and improved when new data appear. What is new data? This is the behavior in Instagram users.

Account type and ranking in the ribbon

The question for users was whether the profile type affects the ranking. The official answer is no, it does not. Business Profile, Verified Account and Regular Profile have the same "rights". This or that type has no advantages. But there is a dependence on the interaction with the content of these accounts. Business profiles and verified accounts (with a tick) are much more likely to appear at the top of the tape than ordinary users.

Where is more coverage: video posts or photo posts?

Video posts do not have any special advantages. It just depends on how the user uses his account. If you view mostly video, it is the video that will be displayed more often in your feed.

Posts that collect a lot of likes and comments as soon as the person has posted it are at the top of the video

Officials at Instagram said it wasn't true. No more details have been revealed.

"Аctivity chats" help posts appear at the top of the ribbon.

It's possible in the long run. Algorithms that are responsible for ranking the posts in the ribbon are based on artificial intelligence, and he, in turn, adapts to new behavior Followers. That is, unnaturalness in Instagram will be noticed, and corrections will be made to the algorithm.

Why does Instagram not return to the timeline?

On average, a post in Instagram is seen by 50% more users after switching to a ranked output than it was in the timeline.

Is it true that Instagram does not "see" comments from 1 to 3 words?

And it is not true! But more details were not disclosed to users.

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