Blue checkmark in Instagram: what does it mean and how do I get it?

The blue tick in Instagram is a tick next to the profile name, which confirms the reality of the account. Beginner bloggers, commercial pages and even ordinary users dream about it. For bloggers and commercial pages this tick significantly simplifies the work.
In August 2018, all Instagram users have an opportunity to request verification, but not all of them manage to pass it and get the cherished tick.
Undoubtedly, this is the privilege of any account. The tick is free, but you still need to earn it. How? Forget about nakrutki and advertising, as well as the purchase of tick. All this is unrealistic. The only option is to become popular and in demand in Instagram.
Why do I need a blue tick?
Blue tick is displayed near the profile name in Instagram. Its main purpose is to verify the account, i.e. to protect it from fraud. Often, in social networks, scammers on behalf of famous personalities raise funds, announce drawings and profit from people.
Seeing the blue tick next to the name of the profile, you can be one hundred percent sure that this is a real person, not a cheater.
The first and most important requirement is compliance with all Instagram rules. A real person or a registered brand can count on receiving a blue tick. In addition, it should be unique, with the exception of brands represented in several countries.
The account must be open and have filled in information, profile photos and publications. And the last point is popularity. They are ticked mainly by well-known bloggers, pop stars, actors, politicians, athletes, volunteer organizations and brands. Popular personalities are the easiest to verify.
What do you need to do?
To apply for verification of a person's account, you must provide an official identity document: a passport or driver's license. If it is a profile of an organization, it is necessary to submit a certificate of registration and tax documents. It is not uncommon to get the cherished tick of a checkmark if you publish your account in the large media.
To send a request, you need to do the following: go to "Settings", then to the "account", and then select "Request confirmation". After that, enter the account name in Instagram, the real name and surname, as well as select the account category from the list provided. The last step is to attach photos or scans of your ID card.
After that you only need to wait for the decision to provide the blue badge. Both positive and negative answers will be received by the user by means of a notification in Instagram.