How many stories can you post in Instagram

Stories is a cool and effective tool in Instagram, which should be used by everyone who is actively engaged in his profile and, of course, in business. It is thanks to Stories that you can establish sales and actively work with your audience. And today this tool is the most popular in Instagram. It is fast, convenient and interesting.
A little bit of numbers
Those who actively use Stories in their arsenal often ask: "How many Stories can I put in Instagram?". Purely technically, their maximum allowed number is 100 Stories per day. It doesn't mean that 101 Stories can't be downloaded anymore. It's just that in this case the first publication will be deleted before 24 hours.
If we talk about the optimal number, you should think about it a little. Posting too many "stories" is not always a winning option. You can easily annoy the audience, and people will either unsubscribe or hide you from their ribbon. So it's important to analyze your profile to see what the optimal number of "stories" is right for your profile.
Only world stars, bloggers and other media personalities can afford to publish "millions" of Stories a day without fear. After all, subscribers love to follow every step of their idols. If people are interested, then it will not cause negative and irritation.
The situation with commercial profiles is slightly different. It is also worth taking the category of beginner bloggers or those who really want to become them. For such pages, the optimal number of Stories is 10-15 per day.
Of course, if you, for example, selling clothes, and your profile is already quite famous and popular, then you can lay out more Stories. After all, if you publish daily new dresses, suits and so on, people are interested in it, they will wait for updates to buy something.
In general, try to look at your profile from subscribers. Do you like so many "stories"? Are they interesting and attractive? Does it irritate you and make you want to unsubscribe? So, you have found the optimal number, and you are doing everything right!
Having studied the statistics and Instagram users' behavior, we are ready to share some tips with you:
1. it's better to use longer Stories to attract more viewers.
2. most of the audience understands from the first seconds of viewing the "history" whether it is interesting or not. That's why the first Stories must be interesting and eye-catching.
A bit of nuance
Let's talk about some technical nuances to pay attention to:
- If the information you submit is stretched over several stories, you will lose viewers as you watch Stories. If statistically there are 5000 people watching them, then approximately 2,500 people will stay with you on approximately 18 "stories". So you need to be able to manage these data correctly. If you want the response of the audience - give important information at the beginning. Of course, things are a little different with regular customers. They can view both 20 and 50 of your Stories.
- Not everything depends on the number. The format of the Stories also affects a lot: a video or a picture. A video takes 15 seconds for the audience, and a picture takes 5. Besides, don't forget that not every viewer will be able to hear the information when shooting a video with sound all the time, so duplicate the text.
- A "story" with more shots will get more attention from the audience than Stories from a single frame.
- Don't forget about Instagram rules. If you add too many Stories, you may cause suspicion and get a temporary ban or even block your account. Therefore, you should be very careful when adding too many Stories. It is also worth taking Stories here with the help of autosting. Choose the best time intervals so as not to arouse suspicion among Instagram creators.
Do not miss the opportunity to use Stories in your profile. But, in order to do it correctly and efficiently, don't forget to keep to the optimal number. It's not as complicated as it may seem at first sight.