Lead magnet: basic functions and types
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In business, it is important that customers are interested in the product. But it doesn't always work out. Therefore, it is necessary to offer customers something that they will find it difficult to refuse. An excellent option is a lead magnet. What's that? It is a product or service that the entrepreneur offers customers at the lowest possible price. It can also be a promotional product, which in any case will "hook" customers.
If a person gets this product, it will be much easier to offer something else (even at a higher price). Also as a lead-magnet can be a free gift. If this is a real product, such as perfume, you can send a free sample. If the service, then offer the first procedure is absolutely free. This method will definitely attract customers.

The Lead Magnet is a versatile tool that has many functions. It can be used not only for audience growth and involvement. Let's look at the basic functions:
- Conversion of potential clients into real clients. Especially it concerns an initial stage of sales.
- Segmentation of the audience in Instagram. Increase of sales and involvement of subscribers is possible with the most precise segmentation of subscribers.
- Receiving data about customers. You can offer a lead magnet to a customer in exchange for his phone number, e-mail address or a link to his other social networks.
- Getting to know your subscribers. This way you can also get maximum information from your audience. For example, you can ask the customer to fill out a small questionnaire and get a lead magnet in return.
- Detailed analysis. If you manage to analyze the business, competitors, and customer objections in detail, you can create a lead magnet to address these issues.
- A call to action. More precisely, a call to action! Interested client who will receive a lead magnet (discount, free trial, promotional code or special offer for this client), almost immediately ready to buy.
This universal tool allows you to increase the number of customers. Often a person leaves his or her e-mail address and subscribes to the mailing list to solve a problem. In addition, you minimize advertising costs and increase your expertise as an entrepreneur. The client trusts only the entrepreneur who sees a professional expert with complete information. The lead magnet is also an excellent method of segmentation of the audience. You have a great opportunity to select your target audience for further sales.

Types of lead magnets
You're interested in the subject of lead magnets, but you don't know where to start? First of all, you need to analyze your business and understand what you can offer your audience? It must be a product that will definitely attract customers' attention. And to understand it, you need to define a portrait of a potential customer.
What options of lead magnets can you apply to Instagram? It can be:
- Discount, promotional code (valid for a certain period), bonus (for example, 1+1=3).
- Free product, service or consultation.
- Useful information (online marathon, webinar, master class, checklist, cases).
- Video lessons, e-book, training course.
Step-by-step instruction
From theory to practice:
- The first step is to choose the target audience. It depends on the direction of your business.
- The second step is to determine the format. Here you should also proceed from the direction of business: check-list, marathon, free goods. Choose something that will be as popular as possible.
- The third step is to make a plan for the lead-magnet. Each item and sub-item of the plan should be complemented by several phrases.
- The fourth step - create a header lid-magnet. It should be brief, but bright and informative. It is important that the client, when he sees the header, wants to immediately use your offer. We emphasize: the headline should be light and specific.
- The fifth step is to concentrate on the main problem of the target audience and analyze typical errors.
- The sixth step is to demonstrate our knowledge in business.
- The seventh step is to inform the audience about the problems that the lead magnet can solve.
- The eighth step is to inform the audience about the benefits of the lead magnet, explain what it can change.
- The ninth step is to gather all the information together and create a lead magnet.

The lead magnet is a great tool to collect as much data from customers as possible and to increase sales. But its effective work is only possible if you follow all the rules. The lead magnet must:
1. Solve the problem and be valuable to the client.
2. be fast and effective, and create an instant wow effect for the client.
3. Promote the audience through the sales funnel.
Create and run a lead magnet is not difficult, the main thing is to turn on the fantasy, connect creativity and take into account the needs of potential customers!